Eight at a Time

Eight at a time by Andrew Dittmer and Tanya Larina is a picture book about slavery and freedom. Set under the ocean, octopuses Jack and Ruby get tricked by Crab and forced to work for him. They try lots of different ways to escape. But one little creature who sees what’s going on comes to the rescue. Even if you’re only small, you have the power to make a big difference for someone trapped in slavery.

Unlock the special message.

Once you’ve enjoyed the story, there’s a special message for you to discover. Find all the special words and read them out, you’ll unlock a secret message. You’ll understand how even one small act from one small person can set a precious life free.

Eight at a Time – A story of slavery and freedom is due for released in 2024.

Eight at a Time is currently being illustrated by Tanya Larina and is due for release in 2024 sometime. There will be lots of events so keep watching to find out how you can join!

Supporting anti-slavery organisations

Eight at a Time will be supporting the wonderful work by anti-slavery organisations. Details to follow.

Families united

Families united in their desire to see all people free make the most impact. Share Eight at a Time with your family and understand that you have more power than you realise. Even if you’re little.

See more of Andrew’s stories